Higher Lenses For Amanda

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Lucille Barrett
Lucille Barretthttps://bloggingkits.org
Future teen idol. Hardcore tv lover. Social media guru. Zombie aficionado. Travel scholar. Biker, shiba-inu lover, audiophile, Mad Men fan and proud pixelpusher. Working at the junction of minimalism and elegance to answer design problems with honest solutions. I'm fueled by craft beer, hip-hop and tortilla chips.

Amanda is in a dilemma

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Once a young teenager had difficulty seeing the board and understanding what was written on the chalkboard, her teacher would write their classwork, assignments, and homework. Her name was Amanda, and for some reason, it was hard for her to read what was written on the board. Still, she was under the impression that it was normal and that everyone in the class was also suffering from the same issue due to the distance from the board to their desks. When she decided to bring up the matter to one of her closest friends, Stacey, she was truly concerned and made Amanda understand that it was not normal for her to feel that way and that she should do something about it immediately after it got worse. Amanda was stubborn and refused to go to the Doctor for assistance as she told herself that eventually, the symptoms would go away and that she would return to her normal state. The situation was unfortunately not getting any better but instead getting worse! Stacey finally approached Amanda one day after class and demanded that she see a physician or report it to their teacher. Amanda reluctantly booked an appointment with her mother to see an ophthalmologist the following week. The next day at school, Amanda told Stacey what she had done, and Stacey was very proud of her and assured her that everything would be okay.

How the issue got resolved for Amanda

A week passed, and it was time for Amanda to visit her ophthalmologist. She had to miss class for that appointment and went with her mother as she was a bit nervous. When the Doctor took her in, she was very kind and gentle, putting Amanda at ease immediately. She performed all the tests she needed and asked all the questions she needed to clarify to Amanda. After all the extensive tests and questions, she told Amanda that she would have to verify her findings and eventually get back to Amanda. Amanda was upset as she felt she would receive her response immediately, but that was not the case.  She was waiting for another week, and the ophthalmologist called her for another appointment. When Amanda came into the office, the Doctor immediately said; I have great news for you!”  Amanda got her hopes up, thinking the issue was resolved. In a sense, it was fixed but not as she would have liked it to be determined. The Doctor had a few pairs of eyewear frames on the table as she said, “here are some of the frames that we have; please select your preference as you would need 1.74 high index lenses,” with a huge smile on her face. Her heart sank, and her palms became sweaty; Amanda asked, “will I actually be wearing glasses going forward? “. She smiled and said, “you sure will! I am sure they will look amazing on you”. Again, Amanda reluctantly selected the frames she preferred, and they eventually constructed a pair of eyewear for her. In a few months, she grew into them and did not think they were so bad after all.

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