Just in Time for Our Impending Nuclear Holocaust … It’s Nena!

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Lucille Barrett
Lucille Barretthttps://bloggingkits.org
Future teen idol. Hardcore tv lover. Social media guru. Zombie aficionado. Travel scholar. Biker, shiba-inu lover, audiophile, Mad Men fan and proud pixelpusher. Working at the junction of minimalism and elegance to answer design problems with honest solutions. I'm fueled by craft beer, hip-hop and tortilla chips.

“99 Luftballons” was iconic—and, it turns out, accidental—Cold War protest song that rang out on both sides of the Berlin Wall in 1983 and would become forever associated with the hair-trigger realities underlying life in divided Germany. The song made the German singer Nena and the band that carried her name an international star.


Nena toured Europe, the U.K., and Asia—but never came here. Now, a mere 33 years later, that injustice is being rectified: Her “99 Luftballons Over America” mini-tour hits New York, Los Angeles, and San Francisco for three dates at the end of September and the beginning of October.  (There are still a few tickets for the U.S. shows available; you can buy them here.)

As delightful as it will be for my fellow technophiles and ’80s music fans (and other cool people) to behold Nena’s famed stage presence and signature ethereal grasp in person, it still boggles my mind that an act with a No. 2 Billboard hit never played a single U.S. tour date. Why? “I just don’t know. We played Japan twice, a lot of other countries, the whole of Europe—I really don’t know,” she tells me during a recent phone interview from her kitchen in Hamburg, Germany. But, she says, she never gave up on playing in the U.S., which she’s always wanted to do—and finally, earlier this year, she had a serendipitous run-in with a German-born broker who now works stateside. “It’s happening now, and I’m just happy about it! I was ready for it—and for whatever reason, this year, I knew it was going to happen.”

That the singer of the official anthem of the finger hovering over the red button (ya burnt, “Land of Confusion”!) is arriving on our shores right now (which is also the title of her new single) is not lost on me. As far as I’m concerned, it’s not a moment too soon, given that our own proverbial hundredth luftballon—orange rather than red, with approximately 500 percent more hot air—seems poised to drop.

And, given that Nena, too, is an ’80s celebrity making a surprise American resurgence (except, you know, a welcome one), I had to know. What does the “balloon chick,” as she calls herself in this video announcing the American dates, think of one Donald J. Trump?

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“I talk a lot about this issue with my

American friends,” she admits. “We are all kind of worried, to be honest. I’ve never met Donald Trump, and I can’t say he’s my enemy. I don’t think it’s good to create a fiend Bild,” she adds, using a terrific word that literally translates to “concept of the enemy” and basically means a created image that invokes hatred or fear (hmm). “I don’t think in terms like that,” she says, “but of course, I’m not his biggest fan.” (Alas, there goes my secret dream of Trump using “Luftballons” at a rally and the irony being lost on him.)

But, friends, no matter what Nate Silver says, all is not lost. Nena has wise words for us in our time of crisis. “I believe in the power of human beings,” she explains, “and as long as you want to change something in the world, you should get up in the morning at 5 and meditate for peace in the world. We can change the world when we start to feel responsible for that.” If that sounds woo-woo to you, just remember that when she was growing up, “The adults around me always told me: You, as a single person, you can’t do anything about what happens in the world.”

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